Five Keys + Five Villages = One Holistic Project with the African Youth Alliance

The African Youth Alliance and Rockflower have been partners since 2017. Previously, we have supported them with an economic empowerment project, Empowering Women and Girls through Mentorship and Training. Their organization shows great promise and truly understands Rockflower’s vision as is evident in their newest project, Five Keys in Five Villages, based on our holistic model.

The five keys will be utilized in five communities in Cameroon. All the groups taking part in the project will have regular network and exchange visits to share their experiences on each pillar, strengthen their capacities and learn from each other. 

During the month of January and the first week of February, the African Youth Alliance met over 200 women and girls. The women and girls discussed the specificities of each project for better understanding, engagement, and implementation in order to achieve the desired impact through the improvement of their living standards and increased financial support to their families. Given the socio-political unrest in the region, the project will contribute to their overall peace and community development.

General remarks from the women and girls in attendance were of a great sense of satisfaction and appreciation as they promised to be active and highly involved in all project activities. They also attributed specific roles to all of the group members which will result in an effective implementation of the project.

We look forward to the progress that the African Youth Alliance makes on their Five Keys in Five Villages project.