School of POWHER

A Year in Review for Rockflower Partner, Saving Mothers - Guatemala


The School of POWHER was created to provide culturally appropriate as well as safe maternal health care to women in Mayan communities in the Lake Atitlan region. There are two methods of teaching, theoretical and experiential, used to deepen the knowledge of each student.


The recruitment process for comadronas (traditional birth attendants) occurs every November for the new class at the School of POWHER. The areas with the highest mortality and morbidity rates are taken into account. Information sessions are given to directors and comadronas of those areas on the curriculum, expectations for participation and Saving Mothers achievements of the previous year.

Saving Mothers has had a year filled with achievements:

  • 472 supervised visits

  • 94 high-risk patients identified in supervised visits

  • 46 post-partum supervised visits

  • 410 patients received prenatal vitamins

  • 4 local health centers received vitamin donations

  • 2 trainings given to older comadronas

  • 2 communities where trainings have been completed

  • 17 communities worked in

Recruitment for the Class of 2019 is currently happening and we cannot wait to see what Saving Mothers - Guatemala will achieve next!